Sunday, October 18, 2009

When did we become adults?

So last Tuesday, Gary and I signed our life away. Well, not really but we did buy a lot. I can't believe we actually did it but we feel pretty good about our decision. We bought a pretty nice lot in a cul-de-sac (a dream of mine to own a house in a cul-de-sac) in west Kaysville. There is so much green-ness, grass, parks and a brand new church at the end of our cul-de-sac. I'm so excited but nervous. There are so many "what ifs" in life but we must move on in faith. Now comes the fun job of finding a house design we like and finding a contractor to give us the best deal. Maybe in year or less we will be in our new house. I will keep everyone updated with our progress!


McKays said...

Congrats! That is exciting...I can't wait to hear more about it.

McKays said...

Congrats on the lot, that is really exciting. And if you go swimming in Australia in the ocean watch out for Box Jellyfish. If they sting you you're pretty much going to die. The pain is so intense that it puts you into shock or overwhelms you and within seconds you drown. No joke...I've been researching ocean hazards ever since I moved to HAWAII!!!! (by the way we don't get the Australian kill Box Jellyfish in Hawaii)

McKays said...

Oh and next time put up a picture please, blog essays with no pictures are lame and have to be against some kind of blog etiquette. Shani what do you think? Oh wait, you're also a recent offender little miss Pocahontas.

Amy said...

Congrats! That is awesome! Good luck with all the rest of the planning/building! Melissa Hardy built a house in West Kaysville. I wonder if you guys will be neighbors!

Jessica said...

nice! that is scary to sign your life away, but it must be done at some point :) josh and i live on a culd-a-sac too and LOVE it, i love knowing that when our kids are old enough they can ride their bikes in the streets and all that with no chance of a car speeding by! CONGRATS

Kris said...

welcome to adult hood and I agree with Taylor. Clark had a guy named niederhouser give him all his stuff...want his number? he is a contractor/developer/whatever you want to call it and have fun in australia. if you get bit/stung by a jeelyfish....i was told to have someone pee on you...apparently it works due to the acidity. Have fun!

Shani said...

It is so funny how I can tell that Annie wrote the first comment and Pancreas flapped his gums with the next 2. Anywhoo, I am jealous jealous jealous. One day I too want a house in a circle. Just make sure you always "spot the tot" before backing out. Cul-de-sacs are notorious for problems.

Gary Hallman said...

Jadee and I found a cool house plan we can tweak and might really like to build. We are also stoked about Australia. Let's hope no peeing will be needed.

Suz said...

So glad we will be neighbors. You will want to sit by me at Stake Conference. I bring snacks.

McKays said...

I've researched the whole peeing thing and it is an old wives tale. It actually makes it worse as it causes the "stingers" that haven't fired and discharged their venom to do so. Vinegar, vinegar neutralizes the unfired "stingers."

Kris said...

jadee.....please change my blog address to I had to change it a while back due to some issues with some people. But anyways, have a lovely day!


The Giffs said...

I had no idea... that's so exciting!